Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Here's one on cause and effect.
I found another vodcast that a I liked and could be used with third graders. This one is about making predictions and inferences.
We found a vodcast that had a retelling and pictures about the Titanic disaster. I liked this video vodcast because in our nonfiction unit in third grade, we learn about the Titanic. This has young students pointing out different features of the various Titanic slides, and I think that my third graders would really relate to them.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Here is a link to my delicious web site. This was actually easier than I thought it would be. It helps to remember that little icons, like the globe, help you create the link. Thanks Nicole! I can see how I would use this site to find more interesting topics for third grade. I think that I would more likely use the site for myself, and with my colleagues, rather than with my class. Again, it feel like a little too much freedom for elementary students. Back to finding more topics for third grade. When I began to search the delicious site, I ended up finding a lot of interesting information. Icould see how I could lose several hours following different topics. That's the problem with searching, you can become completely distracted.
On a different topic, we had a meeting about the new Ditson web site yesterday, and I recognized some things that we learned in this class. There is one site where you go to write the article, and then a publisher checks the article on the site, makes any changes necessary, and publishes the article. The Commmon Craft guy would have been happy, no more messy emails.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I like the idea of being able to share documents between many people. Starting a story, and letting each person add a line to the story is a lot of fun. You could do that in third grade by letting the students take turns using the computers available in the room. I think I would still be a bit afraid to have students add to a story from home. It feels like you don't have enough control. Another way I could use google docs in my classroom would be for expanding sentences. I could enter a very simple sentence, and ask the students to add adjectives and adverbs to make the sentence more complex and exciting.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hi, It's now about 8:00 on Wed. night, and I've been playing with videos since class. So, here's one of the things that you need to watch out for - playing with videos, web sites, and blogs can take more time than you realize. In class, I was working with Animoto (or whatever it's called)and I made a video of my class erupting volcanoes (volcanoes are part of the third grade curriculum). I found that if you tried to download more than one picture at a time, the system froze, and the dreaded "little man" showed up. This caused me to have to exit out of the program, force the system to "end the task", and start all over again. With that particular program, adding one picture at a time works much better. Also, with that program, I liked the music selection better. I was able to finish a video (with 12 pictures) that I wanted to post on my blog, but I couldn't seem to remember how to post it. If I had had more time, I probably would have figured it out, but I got totally frustrated.
Then, when I came home I decided to try windows movie maker. That seemed like a much more user friendly system. I was able to make a video, with probably at least 20 pictures, add music to it, publish it, and add it to my wiki site (fun in third grade). I was pretty pleased with myself for being able to do all of that. However, I truly didn't like the music that windows movie maker had. How can I get a better choice of music on windows movie maker? I think that my kids (not the students in my class, but my own 21 year old daughter and almost 19 year old son) would laugh at me because I don't know how to download i-tunes or whatever, but I don't know how. So, how do you get better music to be added to windows movie maker? Also, I wasn't sure how to end the windows video. My pictures ended, but the song continued, as did a blank black video. How do you stop the video when you are done adding pictures? Anyway, it was definitley an educational process, and I would give it another try.